
Remember How The Republicans Promised Strong Growth In Return For De-Regulation And Their Tax Cuts For The Rich? That Was All Bullshit

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce-- failureWednesday we asked candidates what issues voters wanted to talk about out in the hustings. None them mention Putin-Gate and not even Trump was topping anyone's list. They wanted to discuss bread-and-butter issues that impact them and their families.

The Battle For Plum Committee Positions Begins-- Alexandria Ocasio v Tom Suozzi

Alexandria by Nancy OhanianCurrently there are 40 members of the House Ways and Means Committee-- 24 Republicans and 16 Democrats. 9 Republicans and 2 Democrats [Joe Crowley and Sandy Levin] will not be returning to the House in January. I imagine democrats will name a good 8 new members. Members want to ben that committee because it leads to a lot of campaign contributions bribes.

Troops Leaving The Texas Border: Mission Accomplished? Top Members Of The Judiciary And Armed Services Committee Speak Out

No one except Trump's most ardent, die-hard fans ever believed U.S. troops on the southern border were anything more than a prop in Trump's shit show of a midterm campaign. Now he's running around-- with almost 40 less supporters in Congress-- clucking like a blind duck how his name wasn't on the ballot so that all those losses were anyone's fault but his own.