Sunday Thoughts

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Sunday Thoughts I've seen homeless people on the streets of New York act just like this but this is Paula White, President Trump's personal Spiritual Advisor, at least when Stephen Miller isn't around. Jeeez, and we thought Jerry Falwell, Jr. was bad. Years ago, I used to see speed freaks and acid casualties in Tompkins Square Park doing the same rap. Just play the above clip and then let it soak in that, basically, the entire Trump White House staff and his Cabinet are just like this poor, demented and godforesaken soul.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Sunday Thoughts: So, have you been sending your thoughts and prayers to the White House? I have, especially the thoughts part. If only they hadn't tested, then they wouldn't have it. But, they did. It is what it is. It's a sad thing to die from a hoax, but look at it this way: If you die from a hoax, have you really died? I don't want Trump to die just yet.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Sunday Thoughts: She's got Sarah Huckabee eyes. Her lips a creepy surprise. She's got Sarah Huckabee eyes. I am a lifelong collector of vinyl records but the one pictured above (Yes, it's real!) is one that never made it into my vast collection. Although I find the cover amusing, cringe-worthy and downright Halloween-ish, Republican records like these are just not to my liking and my NRA target practice days are long past.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

 by Noah Sunday Thoughts: Christonuts just get more and more weird by the week. Sure, we already knew about Republican Christian types who believe the world is only 6000 years old and that our ancestors rode to work on dinosaurs. In their demented and critical thinking challenged minds, they know that's true because they saw it in The Flintstones and, for them, The Flintstones is a documentary. What? It's not just more leftist Hollywood propaganda?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:And Trump bows down to Putin, when he's not bowing down to Kim, that is. I guess we all have our gods and messiahs, monsters, too. "It is what it is." It's endless Republican insanity. It's nice to know where today's Christians stand, though. I suppose that "God bows to no man" thing was just another of religion's lies. In truth, the Republican Jesus mob embraces heresy:

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Yeah, Rick Wiles, but what's YOUR excuse? What made you so inhuman? What altered your DNA? Or, were you just born that way? Did your god play a little trick on you? Is it just a lifestyle choice that you made? For decades, I've always noted that republicans always need someone or some group to hate or at least use for stoking fear to motivate their voters.