Subjugation - Torture

Israeli interrogator sexually assaults Palestinian child detainee

Defense for Children International – Palestine – February 10, 2021 Ramallah – An Israeli interrogator allegedly physically and sexually assaulted a 15-year-old Palestinian boy in Israeli custody during interrogation in mid-January at a Jerusalem detention facility. The 15-year-old boy* was detained by Israeli paramilitary border police forces from his home around 5 a.m. on January […]

The massacre of Ibrahimi Mosque

By Bilal Yasin | MEMO | February 27, 2021 Twenty-seven years ago, on 25 February, 1994, an Israeli settler named Baruch Goldstein shot at hundreds of Palestinians gathering for Al-Fajr prayer at the Ibrahimi Mosque in the occupied city of Hebron. Goldstein took advantage of the gathering of the worshippers in the prostration position and the closure of the […]

Israel’s killing of Palestinian man at checkpoint was ‘extrajudicial execution’, concludes report

Ahmed Erekat, a 27 year old Palestinian man was killed by Israeli soldiers near a checkpoint in Abu Dis on 23 June 2020 MEMO | February 24, 2021 Further doubts have been raised over Israel’s killing of Ahmad Erekat. The 27-year-old was shot dead in June at an Israeli military checkpoint near the town of Abu […]

Five Palestinian minors say they were severely beaten, tortured by Israeli soldiers during detention

Israeli occupation forcing detaining Palestinian minors in the occupied territories WAFA – February 2, 2021 Five Palestinian minors said they were severely beaten and tortured by Israeli soldiers and interrogators during detention, today said the Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs. It said it got affidavits from the five minors, who gave details of […]

Rights Group Calls on Israel to Immediately Release Palestinian UN Worker

UN employee and human rights activist, Shireen Al-Araj. Palestine Chronicle | February 1, 2021 The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor today expressed its grave concern over the Israeli authorities’ arrest of a UN Palestinian employee in Jerusalem, calling for her immediate and unconditional release. The Israeli authorities arrested UN employee and human rights activist, Shireen Al-Araj, […]

Israel floods farmlands with rainwater in eastern Gaza

MEMO | January 22, 2021 The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture announced on Thursday that Israel had vented its dams for rainwater harvesting, leading to the flooding of farmlands near the Gaza Strip’s eastern borders and the destruction of vast agricultural areas. Israel has built several dams to collect and use rainwater and vents it without warning when […]

Biden To Keep Up Trump’s Venezuela Regime-Change Policy

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | January 20, 2021 The Biden administration has said it will continue to formally recognize Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as president of Venezuela, despite Nicolás Maduro clearly being the actual leader of the socialist country. Biden’s nominee for secretary of state Anthony Blinken told Senators on Tuesday that Guaido will be the […]

Red Cross: US adding Yemen’s Houthis to terrorist list will have ‘chilling effect’ on humanitarian aid

RT | January 14, 2021 The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has said it is worried that the US designating Yemen’s Houthi rebels as a terrorist group will severely hurt much-needed humanitarian aid to the war-torn country. “In particular, the ICRC is concerned about the possible ‘chilling effect’ the designation may have on […]