the stuff

Scanners, Society, Ghoulies, Phantasm & MORE Crazy B Movies!

Time for another fun chill stream. Jamie and I revisit one or two of our old podcast episodes that should now be video! We chose a few of our favorite B movies to revisit, most of which have some relevant messages worth analyzing, along with a few new ones. We will analyze and re-analyze Scanners, Ghoulies, Parents, Phantasm, Society, Nightbreed, and The Stuff. The esoteric meets the absurd, as well as quite a few surprises that emerged along the way.

Esoteric Hollywood w/Jamie Hanshaw: Crazy B Movies with Messages (Half)

This is the first half of the show, free, while paid subscribers receive full talks for 4.95 a month or 60.00 yearly. Jamie Hanshaw joins me to discuss B movies that actually have a meaning and a message – often not what you expect. In this slaptastic conversation, we cover: The Stuff, Demon Seed, Running Man, Ghoulies, Prince of Darkness and Village of the Damned.