Strom Thurmond

LIONEL PODCAST: Of Course Americans Know Nothing When They Obviously Don’t Read, Comprehend or Care About Anything

Americans are too busy. Too busy taking pictures of their food and selfies and being self-absorbed and self-focused, bathing in a warm narcissistic glow. And when it comes to getting deep into certain issues, especially those that might be construed as being conspiratorial in nature (translation: true), you might as well change that channel, Sparky. We’re busy. But how we love to bask in the delusion that we’re news junkies, possessed of an elementary understanding of the working parts of multitiered issues analysis. Pshaw! Have a nice day.

If that funny-talking Limey John Oliver thinks he can embarrass "Miss Mitch" McConnell, he's got another think coming

John Oliver tells us all about the "Thurmond Rule" -- andshows us Miss Mitch calling it "this rule that doesn't exist""If the President has trouble doing nothing, we will be more than happy to show him how it is done."-- Senate Majority Leader "Miss Mitch" McConnell, asquoted this morning by the

RIP Julian Bond, A Personal Hero

Saturday night, Julian Bond, one of my personal heroes, passed away. I didn't realize he was 75; I always assumed he was my age, maybe a year or two older. I first met him in 1966, and I'm going to tell you about that in a minute. In more recent years we've both been on the board of People for the American Way, where he has continued to inspire me. He's inspired a lot of people.