
Avoid These Drinks to Help Prevent Brain Shrinkage, Dementia, and Strokes

One of the keys to keeping your brain nice and plump and in proper working order is avoiding soda – and not just the sugar-sweetened kind, either. Drinking sodas, whether regular or diet, is bad for brain health, 2 recent studies show. [1]
One study showed that people who drank diet soda every day were three times more likely to have a stroke or develop dementia over 10 years compared with those who didn’t consume any diet soda.

These Fun and Simple Activities can Delay Death, Study Shows

Exercise can undoubtedly help you live better, but what about longer? Are there certain activities that are better than others? Yes, and yes. A study published in the BMJ suggests that exercise can reduce your risk of death from cardiovascular-related issues (think heart disease or stroke), and there are certain activities that may be more beneficial than others. [1]

Fresh Concerns Emerge over Energy Drinks’ Damage to the Heart

Energy drinks have been linked to heart problems in a new study published April 26 in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAMA).
Oh, but it’s not the first time, not by a long shot. A 2013 study showed that energy drinks put an additional strain on the heart, causing it to contract more rapidly than usual. Over time, this can weaken the heart and cause palpitations.

New Blood Test Can Predict a Heart Attack Within 5 Years

Researchers from Imperial College London and University College London have found that “high levels of antibodies – molecules produced by the immune system – are linked to a low risk of heart problems,” even in people who have other risk factors. The team has developed a new test that looks for levels of protective immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, which appear to guard against a heart attack even when a patient has hypertension and high cholesterol.