Strategy of tension

Pt. 1: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around the Mediterranean Sea

We’ve long talked here about the remake the region (MENA) the one that’s been occurring since 2003 and the invasion of Iraq, but, one can go even further back to the invasion of Afghanistan. Generally when this topic is written about here the ‘03 date is used as the start date of the ‘birth pangs of the new middle east” The Mediterranean Sea, as mentioned, is currently the sea at the center of much conflict and competition. No different from it's past.

Could US Force Regime Change in Turkey? The Short Answer is Yes.

The longer answer is below. Bearing in mind this has been an ongoing process.  Pay attention to the fact that Istanbul's mayor is going to London to meet the banksters.  Recall my reporting here that there were anomalies in the Istanbul mayoral election? And that the candidate positively reeked of western backing. Called that one correctly. I'll relink to one previous mention.  And will highlight the upcoming meeting. Are we seeing the early seeds of a divided Turkey being planted? I'd say... YES.The interview is with David L.

Kurdish Smuggling Of Oil From Syria has Been Supporting Global Terrorism & Israel

Saved in September of this year. More pertinent then ever in light of the fact that the US and their Kurdish proxies are intending to stay and continue stealing Syria's oil. Denying Damascus badly needed rebuilding revenue.LinkThis report is from the Syrian Network for Human Rights- For the purpose this post we're going to focus on one aspect of this report. That is the Kurdish smuggling of oil- with no accountability- Not including their sales to Damascus. Which I take issue with for entirely different reasons.