Strategy of tension

Syria/Turkey: Saleh Muslim's Prague Arrest- Extradition Requested

A round up of Syrian related Turkish news:BBCSaleh Muslim

Saleh arrested on a warrant issued by Turkey-  

Saleh Muslim, a former co-chair of the main Syrian-Kurdish movement, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), was arrested early on Sunday.The Turkish justice ministry said it has begun efforts to have Mr Muslim extradited.  

Kurdish SDF to Pass Control of Manbij to Syrian Army

It's from an unnamed source- Which is problematic. However, if true, it's timely and could indicate that there is a wider agreement to push the USrael backed Kurdish militias east of the Euphrates.. A situation I've long believed and have stated here at the blog, could be tolerated by all parties concerned. A move that should not be confused or associated with peace, cessation of hostilities and the exit of Israel or the US.

Tillerson's Sweet Nothing's to Turkey. Israel & Syria. Lavrov insights

Tillerson went to Turkey.  He said he'd work on the Manbij situation... "work on it"Yah, yah! There will be a 'working group" which will begin working no later then mid march- That's a whole month away............ 

Sweet Nothing's ..... affectionate but unimportant or meaningless words spoken to a "lover" (or not)

Breaking: Six People Hospitalized After Turkish Gas Attack?

I don't believe this claim at all.That said, it was was almost predictable that the PKK/YPG would make this claimAfter Tillerson's visit- where nothing was resolved between NATO allies this was predictable!Looked as if Turkey was making advances in cleaning house of terrorists on their border Factor in the distraction of yet another school shooting.Macron's constant threatening. The US continuously playing the chemical weapons card...With an ice pack tied to my carpal tunnel we go