
Ancestry Tests Are Causing White Supremacists To Turn On Each Other

Not too long ago, white nationalism was a fringe movement of isolated people. Now, it’s gained a very ugly new relevance. Tiki torches are lit, Twitter feeds are flared, and tempers are hot. Along with this misled reinterpretation of supposed “identity politics”, we also live at a time where it’s never been easier or cheaper to get hold of a genetic ancestry test (GAT).

Young White Men Are Being Radicalized. It’s Time To Talk About It

Richard Spencer, the founder of the so-called “alt-right” movement, an offshoot of conservatism mixing racism, white nationalism and populism. (AP Photo)
White supremacy swept to power the day Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. His most ardent supporters championed him across the world. For them, Trump signaled the resurgence of white male dominance and they weren’t ashamed to celebrate it.