
The Democratic Establishment Freak-Out

That depends on what you mean by "Democrats"That there is a Stop Bernie movement among the Democratic Party leaders instead of a Stop Republican Oligarch Michael Bloomberg Movement tells you all you will ever need to know about the Democratic Establishment. As a cohort, they are less than worthless. Joe Biden was their anointed Jeb Bush for the 2020 election cycle.

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party-- Plus Some Republicans-- Make Their Move: STOP BERNIE!

Everyone knew Bernie would win yesterday, but no one predicted his win would be as decisive and sweeping as it turned out to me. You almost feel sorry for all the right-of-center, anti-working class pundits on MSNBC. I thought Chris Matthews was on the verge on moving on to the next world while the caucus votes were coming in, not to mention former Bush staffer Nicolle Wallace, and the man who has never been right about anything for two decades, James Carville. I don't know what Joy Reid or Claire McCaskill had to say since I press mute as soon as either one of them starts talking.

Aside From The Democratic Party, Iowa's Biggest Loser Was Status Quo Joe

Reading the results coming in Monday night, I would have been ready to bring out the champagne-- if I was a drinker-- but watching Comcast's Anti-Bernie TV, I was seeing a very different picture. MSNBC seems to have selected-- or maybe it was just a coincidence-- caucuses in areas where Bernie was sure to do poorly.

Bernie: Into The Fox's Den-- While Corrupted Rich Democrats Work On Their Stop Bernie Crusade

Jonathan Martin's headline in the New York Times this morning said it all: 'Stop Sanders' Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum. He starts with "a closed door gathering of about 100 wealthy liberal donors in San Francisco last month" freaking out about Bernie winning the nomination. These are people who have been served well by the status quo. They all want women to be allowed to have abortions and they support gays marrying each other.