Steven Turley

Orthodox Christian Russia has a message for Black Lives Matter [Video]

The Second American Civil War “Blue” Side includes Black Lives Matter. One of our earlier pieces noted that BLM supports everything is against Christianity, that it is in fact, an anti Christian organization. This has aroused a very strong reaction from one of the last remaining Christian nations on Earth, Orthodox Christian Russia.

Coronavirus not dangerous – if you are a leftist protesting racism [Video]

The United States and much of the world has been in a state of protracted lockdown for the last three months due to the spread of the Chinese coronavirus. The virus has a particulary nasty illness that causes drastic respiratory failure to those who have severe cases, but it also seem to be largely a non-issue for anyone and everyone else who does not get a severe case.

New Russian Orthodox Cathedral set to open on Victory Day [Video]

The Russian Orthodox Church has been on the rise since the fall of Communism in 1991. The country has been opening new parishes at the rate of two to three per day. This new Cathedral of the Armed Forces, built at a military theme park outside Moscow, is one of the largest Christian edifices in Russia, and hence one of the largest Orthodox Christian cathedrals on the planet.
Dr Steve Turley gives a phenomenal explanation of the building and more importantly, delves into Orthodox Christian cosmology, which is unique among all Christian confessions.