Steve Knight

Some Republicans Are Trying To Deny They Were Backing The TrumpCare Catastrophe

Sunday, Texas conservative Ted Poe resigned from the Freedom Caucus because of TrumpCare. He was for it. The Caucus was, by and large, against it. Maybe Poe was afraid of Trump's wrath but that is odd in a Houston area district that wasn't especially pro-Trump. Romney won Poe's district with 63%, around the same that McCain won it with. Trump only managed 52.4%.

Democratic Candidates Need To Talk More About Delivering On The Promise Of Public Education-- A Guest Post By Katie Hill

After losing all that weight during chemo, I'm gaining it back-- and then some-- again. I blame it on the 2018 congressional midterms. I keep going out for dinners with candidates! A couple of nights ago a mutual friend introduced me to Katie Hill, a young woman from Agua Dulce, halfway between Santa Clarita and Palmdale, the two main towns in CA-25.

Who Will Protect Social Security From Paul Ryan? Not Trump-- And Not Any Corrupt Conservatives From Either Party

Over the weekend, the NY Times speculated that the "early optimism" in the Clinton camp for an easy landslide win against a Trump campaign weighed down with so much baggage "is evaporating." The hopeless party hacks and mercenary lobbyists who control her dull, utterly conventional campaign have no idea how to fight Trump.

The GOP Would Have No Chance To Hold Their House Majority Against A Competent DCCC... But Today They Have No Chance To Lose It

A gaggle of silly Beltway pundit types decided to raise the specter of a Trump candidacy putting the Republican House majority in jeopardy. I wonder who they're trying to fool. A competent DCCC-- which would take at least a year to build, possibly longer-- could win back the majority in two cycles without Trump, one cycle with Trump (or Cruz).

We Can Help End The Knightmare In Santa Clarita, Simi Valley And The Antelope Valley

Having failed to find a "suitable" conservaDem to run in California's CD-25 (Santa Clarita, Simi Valley and the Antelope Valley), the DCCC finally seems to be yelling "uncle" and offering their support to progressive candidate Lou Vince-- but with a caveat: They're indicating they will fund him if he can show then he can fund himself!We know that sounds odd, but... it's the DCCC. They're like a bank-- they only give money to candidates who don't need it! So progressives have to think about ponying up enough money to show that Lou could run a respectable campaign without the DCCC...

Are There Congressman As Insane And Racist As Trump? How About In Los Angeles?

The GOP sure attracts the nut cases-- Steve Knight, Donald TrumpLindsey Graham was one of the Republican presidential hopefuls yesterday who lashed out at Trump over his pandering to the racists who are celebrating his anti-immigrant mania. "If he becomes the nominee, we’ll get killed," he told CNN yesterday.

How Can You Tell If A Candidate Is A Progressive Or Not?

DINO Maria Gutzeit has already proven how awful she isSometimes candidates lie about where they are politically to get support. Two of the worst Blue Dogs I ever had the misfortune to see in action-- Chris Carney (PA) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)-- swore to me on the phone before they were elected that they were dedicated progressives. Both are bare-faced liars.