Stephen Harper

UN Resolution on Iran Mockery of Justice

The not-very-independent UN body has made a mockery of justice by soldering a resolution on the so-called human rights violations in Iran.
The farce becomes more markedly absurd when you consider the plethora of human rights abuses going unpunished in the world with the UN laying a lid of ignorance on these blatant violations.
Late Tuesday, the United Nations voted to slam “Iranian human rights abuses”, singling it out for “executing upwards of 1,000 political opponents and prisoners in the past year”.

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb, October 25, 2014: Ottawa shootings

On the October 25, 2014 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb, I discussed Canada’s new October Crisis and Surprise with two reported terrorist attacks on Canada’s soldiers and Parliament and summary of my interview with alleged Canadian political thought criminal, Arthur Topham. Related links: October 15: CSIS to get more powers to track […]


Image: Harper, Abbott, and Cameron at the Brisbane G-20

It is quite clear that the United States is responsible for destabilizing Ukraine. Its CIA funds have been invested into many unsavoury projects, perhaps most disturbing is its paying support to a collection of neo-Nazi groups ranging from extremist parties to violent militia forces, some of the very groups who have committed atrocities such as murdering many hundreds of civilians.


I’m confused, can anyone help me? Part Three

RT | November 18, 2014 I’m confused. The first thing I’m confused about is democratic legitimacy after elections are held in war-torn countries. Western leaders have hailed the recent parliamentary elections in Ukraine, as a great triumph of “democracy.” Barack Obama said it was “an important milestone in Ukraine’s democratic development.” Top EU officials said […]


Harper, Abbott, and Cameron at the Brisbane G-20 By John Chuckman | Aletho News | November 18, 2014 Canada’s Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, is reported by a spokesman, to have had the following exchange with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin during the Brisbane G-20 summit: “Well, I guess I’ll shake your hand, but I only have […]

Israel’s Attempted Genocide Must Fail

The Zionist Project is to eradicate all Palestinians who make claim to a home in Palestine. The Zionist Project is exactly what Israel has been doing since its artificial creation.
The Zionist Project is planned incremental dispossession and an on-going attempted genocide, and this has been repeatedly and explicitly expressed by its architects and executioners. The Zionist Project as attempted genocide is also expressly cheered-on by many Israeli citizens and by members of the Zionist diaspora of all religions.

Ottawa backs Israeli bloodletting in Palestine with more than words

 Unconcerned with Canada’s global image, the neocons who have hijacked Ottawa on behalf of global Zionism continue to defy the international consensus that Israel is a terrorist state that practices apartheid and is guilty of ethnic cleansing, and as such should be quarantined by the international community as a rogue, irrational actor unworthy of the slightest gesture of credibility afforded to civilized nations

By Brandon Martinez