Stephanie Kelton

Making Modern Money Mainstream

-by Geoff Coventry The Emergence of Modern Money Theory (MMT)There is a profound shift going on in the arena of economics. It will have a significant impact across a whole spectrum of society as it takes root. A fresh perspective on the role of our nation’s currency is set to reshape public policy and government budget debates. If you are not yet familiar with Modern Money Theory (MMT), it is time you get up to speed. A good place to start is with the work of Stephanie Kelton.

The Smartest Economist In America Explains What Deficits Really Mean

In early October one of the brightest economists in the country, Stephanie Kelton-- who had served as the Democrats’ chief economist on the Senate Budget Committee and as Bernie’s chief economics adviser during his presidential campaign-- penned an especially instructive OpEd for the NY Times, How We Think About the Deficit Is Mostly Wrong. At the time, it helped open the eyes of dozens of members of Congress and congressional staffers.

Bernie Sanders Vs... Artur Davis: Guaranteed Jobs

Right-wing Democrat-turned-Republican Artur Davis was originally put into office with AIPAC money after his predecessor, Earl Hilliard, got a little too uppity for about the Palestinians. He represented a super blue Alabama district from 2003 'til 2011 when he ran for governor and was badly defeated in the primary, even in the bluest parts of his own district.