Stephanie Kelton

On The Trump Regime's Hostility To Education And Social Mobility

Yesterday, Seth Frotman, the top government official (ombudsman) overseeing the $1.5 trillion student loan market resigned from the CFPB-- not just resigned, but resigned in protest over the Trump Regime's open hostility toward protecting the nation’s millions of student loan borrowers. His scathing resignation better pointed out that the Regime "has turned its back on young people and their financial futures."

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Will Always Fight The Progressive Vision Harder Than They Fight Republicans

Although it's completely what the DCCC encourages, the best Democratic congressional candidates aren't just hoping to get swept into office by the anti-red wave. The best candidates arguing beyond what the Republicans have done to us into what the Democrats will do for us.

Big Surprise! Reactionaries Don't Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Odd how the establishment is perfectly fine with this, but rails hysterically against OcasioThe attacks against Alexandria Ocasio are coming in hot and heavy from a very freaked out establishment worried that their power is being challenged my someone with two much color, two few years, two little fealty to "the system" and too wedded to ideas that, if enacted, would do far more than Trump even meant about draining any swamps.

The Grand Barista From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Wants To Run The Show. Why Isn't He A Republican?

My guess is that most of the right of center schnooks from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party are hoping Biden will run as the alternative to a Bernie/Elizabeth Warren ticket. But there are alternatives. One of the least plausible is Howard Schultz, the Starbucks guy. What a joke! And Trump's dream come true.

The Government Has A Job To Do-- Creating Full Employment... And It's Been Failing At It

There have been rumors circulating for months that one of the planks of Bernie's 2020 platform will be Job Guarantee. This week the Levy Institute at Bard College published a paper that could well be the intellectual underpining of that plank, Public Service Employment-- A Path To Full Employment by distinguished economists L. Randall Wray, Stephanie A.