Steny Hoyer

The Most Strategic Midterm Race: Elder Challenges Hoyer

-by Sam HusseiniEspecially with Brett Kavanaugh's accession to the Supreme Court, many are understandably absorbed with the importance of trying to end the Republican majorities in Congress for the midterm elections.But simply always backing Democrats will likely propel the party further toward the establishment corporate right.

Who Wants To Bet On A Colorado Race? I Would Especially Challenge Stenchy Hoyer And Ben Ray Luján

I don't know how this is going to turn out Tuesday-- but I feel strongly enough that Stenchy and Ben Ray are compulsive liars that I'm willing to risk a grand on it. Here's how this all started-- an e-mail from Levi Tillemann, the progressive candidate running in the suburban Denver district (CO-06) currently held by conservative Republican Mike Coffman.

Is The DCCC Doing Anything Wrong? It Would Be Easier To Ask If They're Doing Anything Right

DCCC executive director, Dan Sena-- he knows what's wrong but is too cowardly to act on itIt was lonely out there when DWT first started covering DCCC perfidy in 2005. It isn't any longer. At the rate things are going, it'll be on TV news soon. TV news should have covered Pelosi's visit to the Austin American-Statesman in February.

Secret Recording Reveals Exactly How Establishment Democrats Crush Progressives

(CD) — People have long known these kinds of conversations take place, but rarely is the regular voter allowed to hear exactly how it goes down. The Intercept on Thursday provided a brief and striking look into the Democratic Party’s “strong-arm” tactics by publishing a recording of Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the number two Democrat in the House, attempting to […]

DCCC Is Forcing Crappy Status Quo Candidates In Districts That Voted For Bernie Over Hillary-- CO-06

This morning Lee Fang broke a story at The Intercept that we touched on back in January-- basically how the Democratic establishment is trying to crush progressive CO-06 candidate Levi Tillemann in order to push their corrupt conservative candidate Jason Crow. The story stars Steny Hoyer and if it reminds you of what the DCCC did to Laura Moser in Texas, it should...

FARA Registration for AIPAC and Congress Is Washington’s Interest

By Philip Giraldi | American Herald Tribune | March 12, 2018 The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has just completed its annual conference in Washington. There were reportedly 18,000 attendees speakers including the Vice President, United Nations Ambassador, as well as numerous senators and congressmen. The organization is better known by its acronym AIPAC, and […]