
Is Facebook Harmless?

People are beginning to evaluate the trade-off of our personal privacy and security for the mere convenience of Facebook. Many are vaguely familiar with the unforeseeable dangers of a platform which is ideal for collecting various kinds of personal information. We may be aware and frustrated by this, but if we don’t start the movement […]
The post Is Facebook Harmless? appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

10 Social Media Networks to Use Instead of Facebook

(ANTIMEDIA) — The salient facts of the new Cambridge Analytica scandal are bad, and the optics are even worse for Facebook, which is already facing multiple battles both in legal courts and the court of public opinion. But this really is just the spilled pot of a long-boiling problem: growing discomfort within our citizen-consumer class over […]

New Social Network That Pays People to Use It Could Be the Facebook Killer

(ANTIMEDIA) — Facebook’s dwindling popularity is no secret, as users and organizations alike have criticized its ever-changing algorithms and lodged claims of censorship. In light of the most recent algorithmic changes, which have prioritized users’ friends’ posts over posts from public pages, even Facebook has acknowledged a decrease in the amount of time people are spending on the site. Though there is currently no major alternative […]

Goldman Sachs Analyst: Bitcoin Could Soon Hit $4,000

(ANTIMEDIA) – After its meteoric rise in value, Bitcoin has many financial analysts wondering aloud how high the cryptocurrency’s ceiling may go. Several have concluded that Bitcoin could soon outpace expectations in a grandiose way. Goldman Sachs’ head of technical strategy, Sheba Jafari, believes Bitcoin could soon reach a record-high of nearly $4,000 per coin.