
Respect the Paris Victims: Stop Waving the French Flag!

People who posted their profile pictures in social media with the French flag as a background and also those who projected its colors into buildings all over the world are either lazy or ignorant. I guess both!
France has a long history of aggression, killings and acts of terrorism against civilians around the world in its former colonies, including an extensive record of economic extortion and political destabilization.

Erase the Borders

This week we look at the dire fuckin situation of people escaping war and abusive governments for the relative safety of the global north. On the break Rebel Diaz and Dead Prez remake the classic “Which Side Are You On?”  Our featured interview is with Erin Gallagher a journalist with Revolution News, who tells us about “PeñaBots”, fake Twitter accounts that attack free speech in Mexico.

Anarchy Now! Chile Elects to Revolt

This week we take a look at the 6 plus year student revolt in Chile, plus ballot burning fury in Mexico and an interview with militants from Santiago who tell us about the anarchist scene there. On the music break we bring you Chilean rapper Portavoz with “Te Quieren

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We stole heavily from two great films about anarchists in Chile.

Resistance to Zionism

Nationalist narratives and political movements have dominated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a long time. They all ended up in a dead end. This insight has led Ran Greenstein, Associate Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, not to look at history in retrospect, knowing the outcome, but rather from a contemporaneous perspective of the actors. None of the anti-Zionist actors, discussed in the book, Zionism and its Discontents.

Peace Revolution episode 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century

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How to Herd Your Tax Cattle (Video)

Good morning, Mr. President. I’m a representative of the shadow government that put you into power. Did you ever wonder how we keep people fighting with each other? Or obeying our silly rules? Or actually loving their captors and slavemasters? This morning we’re going to brief you on just that. Are you ready to begin?
CLICK HERE for the audio mp3 of this podcast.


K3 kids recites the Pledge Of Allegiance