
Smashing the Fortress

This week, we take a look at the tens of thousands of migrants tapped in limbo in Europe, facing down the prospect of being deported back to the war zones they’ve just escaped.
For the musical break, we’ve got The Haymarket Squares, with Let’s Start a Riot.
We wrap things up with a look at the highly charged level of racial tensions in the United Snakes, and an interview with Paul, an organizer with All Out Atlanta, who helped coordinate a convergence of anti-racists to shut down the Klan at the battle of Stone Mountain.

On the 1s and 2s:

(Half) JaysAnalysis: Plato’s Republic Conclusion – The Ancient Mysteries

In this free first hour, we recap and review Plato’s Republic, and conclude the analysis with a look at the final book of the Republic, Book X, and its description of the afterlife in the esoteric “Myth of Er.” In hour 2 for paid subscribers, I explain the mystery religions, including Orphism and the Eleusinian Mysteries and their connection to Plato and how this is altered in Plato’s later reformation of the Republic into “Magnesia,” with its Nocturnal Council in The Laws, as well as the connection to cymatics and the universe as music.

What is Nationalism?

It’s no secret that anarchists don’t like states. In fact, we anarchists are generally defined by our rejection of, and opposition to state institutions, such as governments, police, and prisons. But while opposing these physical manifestations of the state is certainly an important part of anarchist practice, anarchist critiques of the state go much further, and include the underlying social relationships and ideologies that have historically been used to create states, and to uphold their authority. One of the most important of these concepts is nationalism.

Assange’s Battle: A Fight for Democracy

In its nine years of existence, WikiLeaks has become the first global 4th estate. Their 2008 release of the classified US military video documenting the slaying of Iraqi civilians in New Baghdad made the whistle-blowing site a household name. Despite the US government’s efforts to stop their publications, the organization has proven itself to be the most effective publisher of last resort, with over 10 million documents in their library and a perfect record of authenticity.

JaysAnalysis Audio: Republic Bk. V – Secrets of the Elite (Half)

In one of the most astounding works of the history of Western Literature, Plato’s Republic Book V details one of the deepest secrets of the elite and how it relates to mathematical mysteries.  In this free half of the audio I touch on one of the deepest secrets in all of political history, and decode its relationship to the mysteries of numerology and the ideational realm of the forms.  This is the free half of the paid lecture subscribers get full access to for $4.95 a month at the PayPal link to the right.

Paris: Who Made the Terror?

The US and its allies murdered one million civilians in Iraq, using indefinite sanctions and war, destroyed all public infrastructure, and gutted all institutions. Do you think that would cause some people to be pissed off and desperate?
These “leaders of the free world” went on to inflict the same such “humanitarian” medicine on Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria (by proxy) and Yemen. And these “leaders” condone the regular genocidal slaughters perpetrated by Israel as part of its brutal occupation and program of land seizures.