State of the Union

Porkins Policy Radio episode 128 Tom Secker on SEEX and A Tribute to Robert Parry

Good friend Tom Secker joins me today in the first hour for an in-depth discussion of the Science and Entertainment Exchange (SEEX). Tom explains what this little know pseudo-govenment NGO is, and how they have been quietly assisting over 1,300 Hollywood films. We talk about their connection to the National Academy of Sciences and their connection to the state. Tom then discusses their stated aim: to assist Hollywood in depicting accurate science, and the promotion of science and scientists. Tom and I then explore how this is not quite an accurate assessment of their work.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahState of the Union? I got your State of the Union right here:Stores closing. Housing sales sliding down to their lowest in 3 years (Fewer construction jobs, nervous would-be buyers). Laughing stock of the world. Ah, so much winning! Oh, yeah. I'm sick of it!And, it will only get worse. Under Trump, we do not have a government that is working on behalf of this country.Trump's anti-solar move costs U.S.