state sponsored terrorism

India /Pakistan Updates & Context From Abdullah

Perhaps my being a bit of a stickler for context is an issue for some readers?It shouldn’t be. Without a broader understanding, not saying one that is complete or all encompassing because that’s not possible, simply having a fuller grasp of any given situation, we'll avoid the appearance of wild accusations made for no good reason.Abdullah provided some all important context to this situation. He did not entirely dismiss the issue of Pakistan receiving military aid from the US. Nor did he deny the existence of terrorist groups on Pakistani soil.

Amid Kashmir Crisis, China, India, Russia Condemn "Use of Terror for Geopolitcal Goals"

Be sure to scroll down and read how it is nuclear war between Pakistan and Iran could reverse global warming (Geo engineering?) First to the joint statement: It does not seem likely that this statement was issued solely for Pakistan's benefit. Keep in mind the other day China was calling for cooler heads to prevail.The Diplomat