state Democratic parties

Florida Democratic Party Continues To Aim Low, Enabling GOP Dominance

Looking at the cluelessness, the incompetence (and, yes, the corruption) of the DCCC, we often worry if they will, once again, wreck the chances of Democrats to take back the House. Between Trump's unpopularity and Ryan's draconian anti-working family agenda, it should be hard for Republicans to hold onto their House majority in 2018.

Pennsylvania's Roadmap For Progressives Across America Who Are Fed Up With State Democratic Party Dysfunction

"This state's Democratic Party is like the Mickey Mouse Club, only with less cohesion and direction." There may be a few states where that dollop of reality is just plain false. But the state Democratic Parties overall are a collection of pointless messes, run by self-serving men and women with small minds, pedestrian outlooks and ironically big egos. There are almost no state Democratic Parties that aren't pitifully dysfunctional.