
Caffè con faeces–stunning discovery at UK coffee chains

A scientific study conducted on beverages sold at popular UK coffee chains Costa Coffee, Cafe Nero and Satrbucks have shown that the drinks test positive for fecal bacteria.
Costa was the worst offender with 7 out of ten samples testing positive for the waste based bacteria.
Tony Lewis of Britain’s Chartered Institute of Environmental Health has said of the findings,

“These should not be present at any level – never mind the significant numbers found”.

Leaked video shows Starbucks founder tell his employees that Trump is creating “chaos”

More liberal left hysteria, moving towards fascism, as the hate for Trump is leading prominent public figures to call on their followers to stop Trump by any means necessary.
For the radical left, the violence and hate they practice against anyone and everyone who disagrees with their neo-liberal dogma is justified. Trump represents a conservative force that stands in the way of open borders, open bathrooms, and gender fluidity…and if need be, than a totalitarian state is needed in order to suppress Trumpism.

Prison Aid to Haiti for Captive Slave Labor

Haiti’s incarceration rate of roughly 100 prisoners per 100,000 citizens in 2016 was the lowest in the Caribbean. Nevertheless, there is a systematic campaign underway for more prisons. Canada and Norway have each given one prison to Haiti. Thanks to prison aid from the United States, three additional prisons have been inaugurated since 2016, and another is under construction.

What the Top 10 Foods on Twitter Say About America’s Health and Habits

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave the University of Utah College of Health more than $700,000 to study mentions of food on Twitter to find out about Americans’ relationship with food. Guess what? Kale didn’t make the list; far from it, actually. [1]
Researchers, led by assistant professor Quynh Nguyen, collected 80 million tweets from 2015-2016, and found out that nearly 5% of them were about food. [2]

U.K. Government Orders Restaurants to Cut Size of Desserts

U.K. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has ordered restaurants, pubs, and cafes to make their food and drink healthier by cutting sugar content, and to shrink the size of desserts. [1]
It’s all part of Britain’s plan to combat obesity.
Hunt met with more than 100 major food chains, including McDonald’s, Gourmet Burger Kitchen, Starbucks, and Pizza Express, and warned them that each restaurant’s performance would be monitored and that a public campaign would name any violators. 
Hunt said:

Starbucks CEO declares support for Hillary Clinton

Starbucks “proudly serving” the occupation of Afghanistan Press TV – September 8, 2016 Howard Schultz, the founder and CEO of Starbucks, announces support for US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. In an interview with CNN, Schultz let slip which way he was voting, saying, “I’m hopeful that after the election – and hopefully Hillary Clinton […]

Starbucks Testing Recyclable Cups in the UK to Tackle Waste

The nearest Starbucks to me is nearly an hour away – which is strange, I know. The only time I darken the door of one is when I have to talk business, or I’m meeting a friend. I might purchase a cup of coffee from Starbucks 3 times a year.
My 3 cups don’t even represent a fraction of the 4 billion disposable cups that Starbucks goes through in a year. Yup, that’s right – 4 billion. Some 2.5 billion of those cups hold coffees sold in the UK. The cups are made of paper, but they’re rarely recycled or composted because they’re lined with plastic.