St. Paul

BREAKING: Minnesota Cop Kills Driver, Girlfriend Facebook Live Streams His Last Moments (UPDATED)

Another July evening in America has been ruined by police shedding blood over a broken tail light, a man’s life ended too soon in the tragic video below, Facebook live streamed from his car.
“Stay with me,” said Lavish Reynolds onto Facebook Live video, “We got pulled over for a busted tail light in the back. And the police… they just killed my boyfriend”
Her four year old daughter was in the car too.
A Minnesota police officer appeared at the window moments later.

Here’s what This City is Doing to Protect the Bees, Butterflies, our Food Supply

Another city in the United States is taking necessary measures to protect our pollinating insects – which are essential for the growth of many crops, and a healthy food supply overall. St. Paul, Minnesota recently approved a resolution which is meant to encourage the township and citizens to limit the use of harmful pesticides and add more native plants in landscaping.