St. Maximos Confessor

Jordan Peterson, Origen, Darwin & Absolute Simplicity – Traditional Philosophy Ep 4 – Jay Dyer (Half)


Today we will continue to cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus but with a focus on St Sophronius, and the 6th council’s condemnations of Origenism on multiple grounds from St Sophronius’ confession, accepted at the 6th council. We will compare this to Origen’s doctrine of evil based on dialectics and how Peterson accepts this view and how this leads him to gnosticism and how it ties to evolutionary theory.


Theosis is the Gospel: Direct Knowledge of God – Jay Dyer

For us there are no dialectics: creation is not set against divine energy and presence, but is in fact its intended telos. God thus manifests His uncreated glory in time and space and in multitudes of created forms: upon this hangs the reality of the Gospel and the reality of the Incarnation as a deification of Christ’s humanity, and by extension, us who participate in His deified flesh. Anything else is Arian heresy. Like His humanity or the sacraments, created forms really and truly thus become vehicles of uncreated reality and not ‘created grace.’ The light of Mt.

Incarnation of the Logos – St. Athanasius (Partial Lecture)

Functioning as a perfect introduction to Orthodoxy, in this talk we will cover St. Athanasius’ famous work, On the Incarnation, which lays out the basics of Orthodoxy. From theosis to balanced Triadology, the Incarnation and Resurrection are the pillar doctrines of our faith and function as a golden chain based around the correct doctrine of the Trinity and Christology. Full lectures are available at JaysAnalysis by PayPal.
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