Sri Lankan Tamils

UNHRC is duty bound to find justice to the oppressed Tamils in Sri Lanka

The United Nations, UN Human Rights Council and the International Community will now understand Sri Lanka’s policy of non-compliance of any recommendations of the UN or UNHRC. The following long standing core issues still to be investigated and perpetrators punished, On the evening of January 02, 2006, amid New Year’s celebrations at Trincomalee beach Sri Lankan security forces shot and[Read More...]

High time to recognize the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka

Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka, including structural genocide, commenced in 1948 soon after the independence. As defined in the United Nations Genocide Convention of 1948, genocide includes “killing members of the group, or causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, with intent to destroy in whole or part of a said national, ethnical, racial or[Read More...]

It  is high time UN to right its wrong in Sri Lanka

Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka. UN Failed to apply R2P and protect the Massacre of 147,000 Tamils It is very sad that United Nations an international institution particularly was initiated to protect the civilians during the conflicts and other matters affecting the civilians failed from in its duty by ignoring the genocide in Sri Lanka. Several UN agencies, along[Read More...]

Sri Lankan Tamils Wait For Crucial 49th UNHRC Session For Justice

   In the March 2022 UNHRC Sessions Human Rights Commissioner Her Excellency Michael Bachelet is expected to present her oral Report on progress made by Sri Lanka in respect of various UNHRC Resolutions passed since 2015 This Session is particularly crucial for the victimized Tamils who have pinned their hopes only on UNHRC and the United Nations to deliver justice[Read More...]

Providing Facilities To Tamils: Presidents’ new Panacea to solve their 72 years of Ethnic Problems

Sri Lankan President’s opening speech on  January 18, 2022 detailing  his commitments and acceptance of current volatile situations is welcome in paper and words but whether they would be put into practice and make them a reality is far from certain viewing the past track record of most of the Presidents including Prime Ministers . The President’s acceptance of accountability[Read More...]

A United Voice For A Referendum For Eelam Tamils

“A people who are subjugated by an alien people have the inherent right to free themselves from such alien subjugation” It is the right which is the right of self determination  – A right which has today become a peremptory norm of general International Law. Eelam Tamils deserve to demand this right due to the following justifiable and reasonable reasons.[Read More...]

It is high time the Indo/Ceylon accord of 1987 is fully implemented

India’s Minister of State for External Affairs Shri V. Muralidharans’s following statement on July 31, 2021 in the Rajya Sabha is timely, fitting and correct which also alludes to the nagging and continuing unsolved problems being faced by the Tamils in Sri Lanka. “India believes that delivering the legitimate aspirations of the Tamil community is in the best interest of[Read More...]

It is high time for the British to recognize Tamil’s self determination

It is high time for the United Kingdom to recognize its failure and realize that the sufferings of the Tamils started immediately after the British left Sri Lanka in 1948 and find justice and freedom to the oppressed Tamils who are now at a great loss of lives, land, resources, human rights etc. United Kingdom knows well that Sri Lanka[Read More...]

Sri Lanka: Activating the dormant 13th amendment of 1987

The 1987 13th Amendment, a conceived and delivered baby of India under the Indo/Sri Lanka Accord of 1987 for adoption by Sri Lanka has been lying in the constitution of Sri Lanka partly implemented and mostly ignored by the Sri Lankan Governments since then. This 13th Amendment is now activated and given new life and blood by the Tamil leaders[Read More...]

Tamils all over the world welcome United States action against alleged war criminals

Tamils all over the world [85 million] appreciate and thank the US State Department for their sanctions on two Sri Lankan Military Officials. Those military personnel were: Chandana Hettiarachchi, a Sri Lankan naval intelligence officer, for his involvement in gross violations of human rights, namely, the flagrant denial of the right to liberty of at least eight “Trincomalee 11” victims,[Read More...]