The Spy

The U.S.-Israel Relationship Is One Thing, But The GOP-Netanyahu Relationship Is Something Entirely Different

I was born the same year as Israel and I grew up committed and proud of the socialist-run Jewish state. Watching the Sacha Baron Cohen Netflix mini-series, The Spy, I remembered it-- or at least the conclusion of it-- vividly, in real time, when I was getting ready to graduate high school and go to college.

How Good A Friend Is Israel? It Sure Isn't The 51st State, Even If Trump Treats It That Way

Obama did it least of all and Trump does it more than anyone-- but American presidents seem to cede U.S. Middle East policy to Israel. The U.S. has bribed-- billions worth of our tax dollars-- Egypt to play nicely with Israel and has destroyed-- more billions of our tax dollars-- the military capacity of Israel's two most implacable foes, Iraq and Syria. I watched the Netflix miniseries The Spy this week, the story of a spectacularly successful Mossad spy in Syria in the early-mid 1960s. I was graduating from high school when he was captured an executed and I remember the story very well.