Diverse groups push for ‘Anti-Semitism Envoy’ who monitors criticism of Israel

Former Antisemitism Envoy Hannah Rosenthal promoting a “Walk for Israel” event in Milwaukee in 2017 (video below). As envoy, Rosenthal adopted a new, Israel-centric definition for antisemitism, and then used it to train U.S. diplomats. Now groups from the ADL to the Southern Poverty Law Center are disturbed that Trump isn’t filling the position. By […]

‘Jewish Power Never Sleeps’–Another Billboard Taken Down

Fig Trees and Vineyards | March 2, 2017 The following is an email sent out recently by Deir Yassin Remembered announcing the take-down of one of their billboards. The taken-down DYR “America First” billboard, the Southern Poverty Law Centre and a quote from Elie Wiesel – what could they have in common? Henry Herskovitz tells […]