
The Terror Dialectic: Contrived Unity – Jay Dyer on Red Ice

From hour 1 of a 2 hour interview with Red Ice Radio: “Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. Jay is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive.

Video: The TRUTH About Christmas, Holidays, and Giving

Have you ever wished that every day could be like Christmas, with everyone enjoying the ‘Christmas spirit’ all year-round? Why is it that we use the holiday season as a reason for being especially giving and cheerful, when in fact this is the way we should strive to be every single day?
In this video, I break down the truth about Christmas and all holidays, explaining how the holiday spirit should extend to all 365 days of the year.