
Theosis is the Gospel: Direct Knowledge of God – Jay Dyer

For us there are no dialectics: creation is not set against divine energy and presence, but is in fact its intended telos. God thus manifests His uncreated glory in time and space and in multitudes of created forms: upon this hangs the reality of the Gospel and the reality of the Incarnation as a deification of Christ’s humanity, and by extension, us who participate in His deified flesh. Anything else is Arian heresy. Like His humanity or the sacraments, created forms really and truly thus become vehicles of uncreated reality and not ‘created grace.’ The light of Mt.

‘What humans are capable of is literally unbelievable’

‘Tawai ’ is the word the indigenous hunter-gatherers of Borneo use to describe their connection with nature. It’s also a new film about human potential by explorer Bruce Parry. He talks about balancing scepticism and spirituality, why he gave up sex, and the Siberian mountain named after him
The post ‘What humans are capable of is literally unbelievable’ appeared first on Positive News.

Richard Grove of Tragedy & Hope: Jay Dyer on The Deep End -Esoteric Hollywood (Half)

Stream or download audio half here.
Title: The Deep End episode 022: Jay Dyer | Esoteric Hollywood (Part 1 of 2). Part 2 will also be available when it’s finished in editing for JaysAnalysis Subscribers. 
Subscribe to see Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/TragedyandHope
Date Filmed: 04.12.2017 | Published: 05.06.2017
Featuring: Jay Dyer, Brett Veinotte, Kevin Cole, Dylan LeFebvre