
Despite so much bad news, Russians and Americans still love working together [Video]

It might seem that with American political rancor against Russia at quite a high level, that the Russian Federation and the United States are absolutely not in cooperation with one another. However, there are several interesting developments that show that quite the opposite is true – Where possible, Russians and Americans are not only cooperating, […]

Mars has just been brought closer to Earth by Elon Musk

On February 6th, 2018, the US got back into the Space Race in a huge way. The SpaceX Falcon Heavy completed its first test flight, and it did so with a great deal of flair and skillful marketing of space travel, through the use of excellent media coverage, the expression of honest-to-goodness excitement by a company that is freely seeking to conquer the challenge of interplanetary travel and colonization, and a simple and attractive way to show the world what can be done.