
After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli”

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — After U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he planned to unilaterally recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights — which is internationally recognized as Syrian territory — some powerful Israeli politicians are now petitioning Trump to also recognize Israeli sovereignty over Palestine’s occupied West Bank.

Human Rights, State Sovereignty, and International Law: An Interview

[Prefatory Note: The interview below conducted by my friend, journalist and author C.J. Polychroniou was initially published in the Global Policy Journal, on 11 September 2018, the 17thanniversary of the World Trade Center attacks and the 45thanniversary of the Pinochet coup in Chile that assassinated the elected president of the country Salvador Allende.

Donlad Trump – the De-Globalizer?

Looks like Trump is running amok with his “trading policies”. Not only has he upset the European Union – which doesn’t deserve any better, frankly, for having been and still being submissive vassals against the will of by now 90% of Europeans; but he has also managed to get China into a fury. Well, for China it is really not that important, because China has plenty of other markets, including basically all of Asia and probably increasingly also Europe, as Europe increasingly feel the need for detaching from the US.

Top Brexit official resigns, triggering upheaval in London

Fox News and The UK Daily Mail are among the news outlets reporting the resignation of Brexit secretary David Davis from his post. The conservative secretary resigned over his frustration with a negotiated deal by PM Theresa May for a “soft” UK departure from the European Union.
Reports that a new secretary, Conservative Dominic Raab, has been appointed to the vacated post by Prime Minister Theresa May.

Texas teenage girl beaten and abused with hot cooking oil after refusing arranged marriage

FOX News reported on March 25th about a teenage girl in Texas who was beaten and had hot cooking oil poured on her, allegedly by her parents. She ran away from home in January of this year, and was not found until mid-March when she was taken in by an organization that cared for her after she ran away.
This all according to San Antonio, Texas, television station KSAT. Now while this is a heinous act on its own merit, there is a further aspect to this that must be attended to.

Scotland Political Leaders Allow 16-Year-Olds to Vote and Want to Give Vote to Refugees, Too

The Scottish government is considering allowing refugees and non-EU citizens to vote in local and Scottish parliament elections. Scotland has led the way internationally by lowering the voting age to 16. Leaders say that linking citizenship to the right to vote is undemocratic. [Keep your eye on the ball, folks. These people are not stupid, but they think we are. What they really want is a one-world government without sovereign nations.

Venezuela Bucks Petrodollar, Announces Cryptocurrency Backed by Oil

Months after Russia became the first country to announce the creation of a state-backed Cryptorouble, Venezuela has followed suit, announcing the creation of El Petro, a state-sanctioned cryptocurrency to be backed by Venezuela’s extensive reserves of crude oil.
Venezuela has already broken free of Dollar dependence months ago when Caracas announced it would be trading its oil using China’s Petroyuan. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro also stated that he would like to begin trade with Russia in the Rouble.