
Syrian Army Hunts Down ISIS in Desert, Terrorists ‘Hideout’ in US-Controlled Al-Tanf

3 US service members were killed in an ISIS suicide bomber attack on a joint convoy of the US-led coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near Manbij in northern Syria on March 9, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed.
A suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device reportedly exploded near the convoy on a road in the outskirt of the town.

BREAKING: Pakistan Shoots Down 2 Indian Jets Inside PK Airspace, India Retaliates

India and Pakistan moved closer to war today as reports confirm that 2 Indian Air Force jets inside of Pakistani airspace in the highly contested Kashmir region. This is not the first serious military confrontation  between the two countries over Kahmir, but it comes at a time of heightened political tensions for both of these two Asian nuclear powers.

Pentagon Says Multinational Force to Establish ‘Safe-Zone’ in Northeastern Syria

US forces still remain on the outskirts of the Syrian town of Manbij.
SouthFront reports…
Pentagon spokesman, Commander Sean Robertson, revealed on February 23 the 200 US troops who will remain in northeastern Syria after the supposed pullout will be a part of a multinational force which will establish a safe zone in the region.