
No Man’s Land: ‘Former’ American ISIS Terrorist Stranded Between Greece and Turkey

The latest incident brings to mind shades of The Terminal, a 2004 Hollywood comedy-drama by Steven Spielberg about an Eastern European man who ends up stranded at JFK Airport’s terminal in New York after being denied entry into the US and his defunct native country. Only in this edition, the ‘stateless’ man’s home was the Islamic State of Syria and Sham (ISIS).

Report: U.S. Plans to Establish New Base Near Deir Ezzor, Syria

Just three weeks ago, the western pro-war neoliberal and neocon politicians and their respective mainstream media outlets were all up in arms, shrieking in unison with cries of betrayal after US President Donald Trump announced he would be pulling US troops out of Syria.
At the time, most people believed he was serious, even the skeptics and critics. The Neoliberal wing of his opposition castigated Trump for “abandoning the Kurds,” and the Neoconservatives railed against him for “giving ISIS a lifeline” and “caving to Putin and Assad.”

ISIS Attacks SDF Headquarters, Liberates Scores of ‘Terrorist Brides’

Normally, 21WIRE would not disseminate news releases coming from ‘Amaq’ which is said to be ISIS’s in-house news agency, but we’re sharing this report via South Front to illustrate an important point that maybe the US-backed Kurdish-led ‘SDF Forces’ were always unsustainable, in that, without an indefinite US occupying force propping them up, they are unable to fulfill their primary obligations of their mission, namely to secure ISIS prisoners held in detention.