South Carolina

Warnings of “Catastrophic and Historic” Flooding as Worst of Florence Yet to Come

(CD) — After tearing through the Carolinas for several days, Hurricane Florence severely damaged tens of thousands of homes, killed over a dozen people, left nearly a million households without power, and unleashed thousands of cubic yards of toxic coal ash—and authorities are warning that the worst flooding from the storm is yet to come. “For many (most?) places, the […]

10 Chilling Scenes Showing Hurricane Florence’s Destruction in the Carolinas

(ANTIMEDIA) — Before Hurricane Florence made landfall, evacuation advisories were issued to over a million residents. Though the 400 mile-wide storm, which hit the Carolinas early Friday morning but brought storms and flooding the day before, has been downgraded to a Category 1 storm, it has still caused widespread flooding and damages. Wind speeds hit 105 mph North Carolina, and […]

‘Roads Turn to Rivers’ as Catastrophic Hurricane Florence Reaches Carolina Coast

(ZHE) —  Update II (5 pm ET): As the hurricane force winds whip the Outer Banks, some brave (or possibly foolhardy) residents of Wilmington, North Carolina who have ignored the state’s evacuation order shared their thoughts and fears with CBS Miami. Businesses are boarded up, and some residents were meandering around downtown as they tried to squeeze in […]

“This One Really Scares Me”: Hurricane Florence Turns South; Nuclear Plants at Risk

(ZHE) — Hurricane Florence is closing in on the Southeast as officials warned more than 1 million people in its projected path to leave now or face disaster. Florence is a category four hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph, and computer models on Wednesday morning show it will make landfall around Wilmington, North Carolina on Friday […]

Category 4 Hurricane Florence Could Be Strongest Storm to Ever Hit North Carolina

(CD) — As Hurricane Florence was officially declared a Category 4 storm on Monday by the National Hurricane Center, weather experts warned people living in vulnerable areas in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia that the intensification should not be ignored and to begin making preparations for what could be a devastating landfall later this week. […]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhat scrapheap of failed mannequin news bimbos did Rupert Murdoch pull Ainsley Earhardt from? Or, maybe one some tech person at FOX "News" who moonlights as a mad scientist at home and has a pile of defective robots with missing parts in his basement and this is the best he could do. It's not just her, of course. I mean the entire combined IQ of the three buttheads of FOX & Friends can't possibly amount to much over 100.

Another County Votes to Nullify NDAA’s Infamous Indefinite Detention Provisions

(CW) — Laurens County, South Carolina, passed a resolution this week urging the state to reject the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)’s indefinite detention provisions, making the county the eight local government in the country to resist the language, which was initially passed in the 2012 version of the military funding bill. According to a press release from People Against the NDAA […]