South Carolina

South Carolina Debate Attended by Elite ‘Sponsors’, Featured Syria War Propaganda

CBS News’ Margaret Brennan pushing Syria war propaganda with Pete Buttigieg.
The Democratic Party held its 10th presidential debate Tuesday night in Charleston, South Carolina, as candidates continued their attacks on national frontrunner Bernie Sanders in front of a live audience of elite ‘sponsors’ who paid over a thousand dollars to attend the event.

The Democratic Establishment Freak-Out

That depends on what you mean by "Democrats"That there is a Stop Bernie movement among the Democratic Party leaders instead of a Stop Republican Oligarch Michael Bloomberg Movement tells you all you will ever need to know about the Democratic Establishment. As a cohort, they are less than worthless. Joe Biden was their anointed Jeb Bush for the 2020 election cycle.

Guest Post By Dr. Abdul El-Sayed-- Medicare-For-All... NOW

I hope you remember our old friend from Detroit, Dr. Abdul El-Sayed. Abdul is a physician, epidemiologist, and progressive activist. He is Senior Advisor at Medicare for All NOW! We endorsed him when he ran for governor of Michigan in 2018 as did Bernie, AOC, Justice Democrats and The Nation. Prior to that, he served Detroit as Health Director. We are very enthusiastic about what he's doing now at Medicare For All Now! and we asked him to share an explanation with DWT readers and Blue America members.

Despite The Iowa Democratic Party's Screw Ups Tonight, It Looks Like Bernie Won-- And Tomorrow A Berniecrat Can Win A Congressional Seat In Maryland

Immense turn-out in Iowa this evening-- bigger than anyone expected and the biggest in history in some the precincts.Tomorrow is election day in Baltimore-- actually a special election to fill the open 7th district seat, previously held by Elijah Cummings. The district includes the western and northern parts of the city, plus suburbs and small towns to the west and north of the city in Baltimore and Howard counties.

Neither Mayo Pete Nor Anyone Else Is Going To Win The Democratic Nomination Without Support From African-Americans

Henry Gomez, reporting for BuzzFeed News, noted yesterday that a pretty major piece of Mayo Pete’s very murky past "remains a mystery to voters. For nearly three years, he worked at McKinsey & Company, an elite management consulting firm with offices around the world. It was work that took him, he has said, to Iraq and Afghanistan.