
Louisiana Cops Arrest TV Reporter For Questioning Mayor’s Salary and Benefits

“This is what White Castle residents have to deal with.”
Chris Nakamoto is a true professional journalist, giving a deadpanned story lede to his videographer as he was being perp-walked by a burly cop for uncovering small town government corruption.
He’d just uncovered an un-legislated pay raise costing each resident in small town White Castle, Lousiana – each man, woman and child – stuck paying an additional $11 per year in tribute to the elected offical.

Georgia Cop Illegally Arrests Passenger Recording During Broken Tail Light “Investigation”

A video surfaced this weekend showing fast-talking, southern Georgia cop arresting a college student, just for being the passenger in a car with a broken tail light, after refusing to participate in the cop’s sham “investigation” of a minor traffic infraction.
It would spiral of control in under three minutes.
The cop started the traffic stop by saying, “You’d better step out of the vehicle, ma’am,” to ‘Kaylin’, the properly seat-belted driver – whose name we learned from the video you can see below.

VIDEO: North Carolina Walmart Employee Bumps and Bans Man Who Recorded Shoplifting

A North Carolina man recorded a shoplifter inside Walmart’s Wilmington location, only to be verbally harassed, threatened with arrest and banned by a clueless employee of the SuperCenter last Friday afternoon.
Jon Andrade thought he was doing the retail giant a favor by using his cell phone to capture a petty theft, when Walmart employees turned on him and demanded that he leave or be arrested for criminal trespassing on private property ending the encounter by telling the man that he is “Banned.”

South Carolina Woman Died in Jail from Dehydration After Arrest At Hospital for Unpaid Fines

A South Carolina woman convicted of stealing $20 worth of beer and candy bars from a convenience store was “deprived of water” and died in jail last summer due to profuse vomiting after checking into a hospital where she was then hauled off to jail over unpaid fines related to that 2011 arrest.
Joyce Curnell, 50, had been seeking urgent medical care for a stomach flu when it was discovered she had a bench warrant for her arrest because she had stopped making payments towards her $1,148.90 fine.

Award-Winning Washington Cop Runs Red Light and Crashes Into Teen, Then Cites Teen for DUI After Teen Admitted to Smoking Pot Two Hours Earlier

In an odd turn of events, a 16-year-old was charged with a DUI in Washington after a Spokane police officer ran a red light, crashed into the teenager and then blamed him for the accident.
Officer Seth Killian, who has been awarded countless accolades throughout his law enforcement career, was distracted and ran a red light on December 8 crashing into the teenager’s vehicle.
He even admitted to being at fault in the moments after the crash.
“I screwed up, man,” a distraught Killian is heard telling another officer in a conversation captured on his body cam.

Award-Winning Florida Sheriff Deputy Suspended for Turning up Heat, Locking Inmates in Van

An award-winning Florida sheriff’s deputy was suspended for treating nearly a dozen inmates inhumanely while transporting them in a van last year.
However, it was just over two years ago that St. Lucie County sheriff’s deputy Johnny Hubbard received a departmental award along with several other deputies, describing them as “extremely professional and extraordinary individuals” who deserve to be “recognized for their day-to-day dedication to their duties.”

Texas Cop With History of Complaints Suspended After Body Cam Captures Him Kneeing Suspect in Groin

An aggressive Texas cop with a history of complaints and a reputation for not caring about those complaints was placed on paid leave after he was caught on camera kneeing a handcuffed man in the groin.
San Juan police officer Juan Pablo Galindo was captured by his colleague’s body cam on the evening of December 14.
According to the Texas news site, Advance News Journal:

New Orleans Cop Sentenced to Life for Rape of Girl as Jail Inmate Vows to Rape Him

A New Orleans police officer was sentenced last week to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Michael Thomassie, 41, who in August was convicted of raping a 7-year-old girl more than 10 years ago, was sentenced by the New Orleans Parish criminal courts Judge Tracey Flemings-Davillier. He was found guilty of aggravated rape earlier this year on Aug. 20.
During jury selection of his trial, Thomassie sent a selfie and raunchy texts to his girlfriend in Florida.
Now, another inmate wants to make Thomassie his boyfriend.

Award-winning Virginia Cop who Pushed for Photos of Teen’s Erect Penis for Investigative Purposes Kills Himself to Avoid Arrest for Child Molestation

A Virginia police officer whose job was to investigate online sex crimes against children committed suicide Tuesday – moments before he was to be arrested for online sex crimes against children. 
Manassas police officer David Edward Abbott, Jr. was the same cop who made  headlines last year when he tried to take photos of a 17-year-old boy’s erect penis for what he claimed was investigative purposes.
A year before that, he won an award for “integrity in investigative work.”