
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRepublican Hypocrisy and Evil 101: Using a cancer survivor, especially a child, as a cheap SOTU applause prop is extra evil of all of those Republicans who applauded young Grace on Tuesday night. What republicans did just a few days after they and their beloved party leader interrupted the chemo treatments of untold numbers of Americans with their heinous government shutdown is about as evil as humans get.

The Real State Of The Union-- Most Americans Hope Trump Dies Tonight

State of the Union Poster by Chip ProserNone of those new polls that came out yesterday looked good for Trump-- nor for his congressional enablers. In fact, the CNN poll found that nearly 7 in 10 voters say the federal government is doing a bad job of governing, including 43% who say it’s the worst job of governing in their lifetimes.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTonight, those who choose to brace themselves and tune in will be able to watch Donnie Sleazeball give his second annual State Of The Union address. Get your barf bags ready! It'll be on seemingly every channel but the Cartoon Network which is where it actually belongs.This is how I am preparing for the big broadcast: I thought of taking a page from the Big Pop-up Cookbook of Trump White House Cuisine and getting in a tray of Bigly Macs or whatever they're called but I ate at a McDonalds once back in 1971 and never went back. So, what to do?