
Solutions: Black Market Friday

Many people believe tomorrow, November 27, 2020, to be “Black Friday,” but they are wrong. Tomorrow is actually “Black Market Friday,” a chance for free humanity to flex its muscles by demonstrating its commitment to forming trading communities outside of the controlled fiat money paradigm. Everyone who is interested is invited to buy something via Agorist.Market (or anywhere else) using precious metals, crypto, local currency, barter, or any other medium of exchange that circumvents the controlled central bank fiat currencies.

Interview 1601 – Black Market Friday Roundtable

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Many people believe tomorrow, November 27, 2020, to be Black Friday, but they are wrong. Tomorrow is actually Black Market Friday, a chance for free humanity to flex its muscles by demonstrating its commitment to forming trading communities outside of the controlled fiat money paradigm.

Interview 1598 – Howard Lichtman on The Thick Red Line

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Howard Lichtman joins us today to introduce, an effort to restore respect for law enforcement by abolishing victimless crime. ThickRedLine seeks to upend the narrative that keeps the public afraid of breaking the unlawful orders of the politicians and prevents officers from following their own conscience.

Solutions: The Counter-economic Underground Railroad

Derrick Broze of joins us today to provide an update on the counter-economic underground railroad which we discussed last year. The first group has crossed the border and more people than ever are looking to escape the Collapsing States of America and finding freedom elsewhere. We discuss the exit and build strategy, Freedom Cells, and how you can find out more about the growing number of people who are looking to start communities of purpose.

Interview 1595 – Derrick Broze Updates us on the Underground Railroad

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Derrick Broze of joins us today to provide an update on the counter-economic underground railroad which we discussed last year. The first group has crossed the border and more people than ever are looking to escape the Collapsing States of America and finding freedom elsewhere.