
Solutions: Survival Currency

We all know the problem: in the coming dystopia of social credit scores and central bank digital currencies, our ability to buy and sell will be at the mercy of the criminals in government. . . . Unless we have an alternative means of transaction, that is. Join James for this exploration of survival currencies that already exist and how these ideas can be adapted to meet your communities' needs.

Interview 1613 – Catherine Austin Fitts on The State of Our Currencies

[audio mp3=""][/audio]With the global technocrats taking the world through the "Going Direct" Reset into the abyss of the End of Currency and the ultimate transhuman slave state, things could not be more dire. But, as Catherine Austin Fitts of tells us, there are options on the table for taking things in a completely different direction and unlocking the incredible abundance of the planet. The choice is our, but for how long?

Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset – #SolutionsWatch (video)

In this inaugural edition of #SolutionsWatch, James talks to John Bush, the host of Live Free Now with John Bush and an activist who founded the Freedom Cell Network to help like-minded solutions-oriented freedom lovers meet, organize and collaborate. Now, he is co-organizing The Greater Reset Activation conference which is due to take place later this month. We talk to him about these different projects and how people can get involved to start taking back power into their own hands.

Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset – #SolutionsWatch

In this inaugural edition of #Solut[audio mp3=""][/audio]ionsWatch, James talks to John Bush, the host of Live Free Now with John Bush and an activist who founded the Freedom Cell Network to help like-minded solutions-oriented freedom lovers meet, organize and collaborate. Now, he is co-organizing The Greater Reset Activation conference which is due to take place later this month.

Introducing #SolutionsWatch

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Welcome to #SolutionsWatch, a new regular podcast series from The Corbett Report that seeks to examine the movements, technologies, activities and philosophies that purport to provide solutions to the problems that we face and to highlight the work of activists who are making a difference. Let's work together to make the world a better place.

Episode 391 – Solutions: Physical Media

[audio mp3=""][/audio]The Grand Leader of The Technofascist Great Reset Klaus Schwab has issued his pronouncement: our digital infrastructure and even the power grid that enables it is at great risk of global disruption from cyberattack. And you know what? He's right. It's just that the most likely cyberterrorists are the criminals in government and in organizations connected to the World Economic Forum.

Interview 1606 – James Corbett Tackles The Ultimate Question

[audio mp3=""][/audio]What does it mean to be human? As we tumble head first into the WEF-branded, Klaus Schwab-figureheaded, Bill Gates-bankrolled 4th industrial revolution, that question, once the stuff of science fiction, has taken on new urgency. If we fail to provide an answer, the technocratic eugenicists who are seeking to engineer humanity out of existence will do so without hesitation.