
FBI Direct Says He Covers His Webcam — and That You Should Too

(ANTIMEDIA) FBI Director James Comey spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington earlier this week to discuss the importance of cybersecurity. During the discussion, Assistant Attorney General John Carlin asked Comey if he still had his webcam covered with tape, a question referencing previous statements by the director. Comey replied, “Heck yeah, oh, heck yeah.” He continued to encourage the public to do the same thing:

Native American High School Student’s Grade Lowered for Not Standing for Pledge

(ANTIMEDIA) In the wake of the Colin Kaepernick national anthem controversy, American nationalism has shifted from overdrive to hyperdrive.
Though internet temper tantrums and jersey-burning have dominated protests against Kaepernick’s protest, the backlash is being felt in a different and more institutional way: in public schools.

Breaking: Justice Department Overrules Court, Dakota Access Pipeline Construction Halted

(ANTIMEDIA) North Dakota — On Friday, a federal court sided with Energy Transfer Partners, allowing the company to continue construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline. The ruling came after the Standing Rock Sioux tribe attempted to halt the pipeline’s construction through the justice system because they claimed it would violate federal laws and jeopardize their water supply.

Breaking: North Dakota Governor Activates National Guard Against Pipeline Protest

(ANTIMEDIA) North Dakota — Previously peaceful protests at the construction site of the Dakota Access pipeline have officially been militarized. North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple has called on the state’s National Guard to reinforce law enforcement at the construction site where Native American protesters are currently blocking further development.