
Ideology Vs. Realism: Your Principles Might be a Straight Jacket

May 18, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - In reality, socioeconomic ideologies like socialism, communism, capitalism, agorism, and anarchy are like tools. They are best used under specific circumstances dictated by reality, and just like tools, are best used in combination or sequence toward achieving a certain end.Healthcare provides a perfect example of this.

‘Fight to Save the Internet’ Takes to Streets as FCC Votes on Net Neutrality

(COMMONDREAMSAs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prepares to vote Thursday to begin the process of repealing net neutrality regulations, the grassroots resistance is rising up.
A “Rally to Save the Internet,” organized by digital rights group Free Press and including many other advocacy, online, and tech groups, has hundreds of people demonstrating outside FCC headquarters in Washington, D.C., for an open internet.

John McAfee Just Announced the Most Private Smart Phone Ever: Here’s How it Works

(ANTIMEDIA)  — In an exclusive interview, head of MGT Capital Investments and former presidential candidate John McAfee spoke with Anti-Media Thursday night about an issue at the forefront of many people’s minds these days: privacy.
McAfee, a pioneer in the realm of antivirus software, has a new product coming to market later this year that takes on the subject of personal privacy with an item that’s become a significant part of most people’s daily lives — smartphones.

How to Talk to Statists with Larken Rose

Ever wondered how to get your friends to understand that government is inherently immoral? That no group of people can grant any government rights that they don't have themselves? That taxation is theft? Well, wonder no more! Larken Rose is touring a two-day workshop teaching voluntaryists how to most effectively convey the fundamentals of human freedom to their statist friends and neighbours. Today we talk to Larken about the seminar, what it teaches, and how people can attend.

The Most Dangerous Philosophy: What The Oligarchs Don’t Want You To Know

Derrick Broze of joins us once again to discuss his latest book, co-authored with John Vibes, Manifesto of the Free Humans. From the theory and practice of agorism and the importance of language in shaping our thought and action to the immigration debate and the creation of a new intentional community centered on conscious agorism, Broze outlines the world of free humanity in 2017.

Interview 1268 – Derrick Broze on The Theory and Practice of Agorism

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Derrick Broze of joins us once again to discuss his latest book, co-authored with John Vibes, Manifesto of the Free Humans. From the theory and practice of agorism and the importance of language in shaping our thought and action to the immigration debate and the creation of a new intentional community centered on conscious agorism, Broze outlines the world of free humanity in 2017.