
So You’ve Decided To Boycott Google…

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You've decided to boycott Google? Congratulations! That's a great idea! But now, where do you go for alternatives? Are there any other search engines? Join The Corbett Report's open source investigation into search alternatives as we explore the good the bad and the ugly of online filter bubbles.

What went right? July to September 2017

From war clouds over Korea and wranglings over Brexit, to a shooting in Las Vegas and violence in Catalonia: bad news has dominated in recent months. But we think there are inspiring stories that are worthy of attention too. Get a fuller picture with our top 20 positive developments from July to September
The post What went right? July to September 2017 appeared first on Positive News.

Schooling Was for the Industrial Era, Unschooling Is for the Future

We’ve entered a new era, the Imagination Age, so why are we still schooling kids like we did in the 19th Century?

(FEE) — Our current compulsory schooling model was created at the dawn of the Industrial Age. As factories replaced farm work and production moved swiftly outside of homes and into the larger marketplace, 19th century American schooling mirrored the factories that most students would ultimately join.

Exiting Anarchist Politics

What is an Exitarian? Discussing exiting “anarchist politics”, opening up the free market of governance, and implementing it in the real world in an actual framework of free, decentralized communities.   Friends, we are the pioneers of a post-political world. We seek to accomplish the freeing of humanity from the bounds of a violent, psychopathic […]
The post Exiting Anarchist Politics appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.