Solidarity and Activism

UN Renews Agency Helping Palestinian Refugees in Defiance of US

teleSUR | December 13, 2019 With 169 votes in favor, nine abstentions, and two votes against, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Friday extended the mandate for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) until June 30, 2023. “The General Assembly… expresses special commendation to the Agency […]

Israel is a ‘Terrorist State’: Seven Times Bolivia and Morales Took a Stance for Palestine

By Ramzy Baroud | Palestine Chronicle | November 14, 2019 On November 10 Bolivian President Evo Morales, announced his resignation from office following what was described by his deputy, Álvaro García Linera, as a military coup. Morales’ 14 years in office have been seen by many as a triumph for the indigenous people of Bolivia; in fact, […]

A lesson for the Palestinian leadership: Real reasons behind Israel’s arrest and release of Labadi, Mi’ri

Jordanian citizen Heba Al-Labadi (C), following detention by Israeli forces, was released from prison and returned to Jordan on 6 November 2019 By Ramzy Baroud | MEMO | November 11, 2019 The release on November 6 of two Jordanian nationals, Heba al-Labadi and Abdul Rahman Mi’ri from Israeli prisons was a bittersweet moment. The pair […]

Hamas: Iran Provided Palestinian Resistance with Weaponry & Money

Hamas leader Yehia Sinwar in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip January 7, 2016. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Al-Manar | November 4, 2019 Gaza’s Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar Monday gave Iran the greatest credit for supporting the Palestinian resistance and providing it with money, expertise and weaponry. Sinwar stressed that the Palestinian resistance has developed anti-armored missiles, […]

‘Defend International Law’ Petition Demands Norway Impose Sanctions on Israel

Sputnik – November 1, 2019 Dozens of Norway’s leading lawyers believe that Israel violates international law and doesn’t deserve the preferential treatment it currently enjoys. A group of 44 lawyers, including award-winning luminaries and distinguished professionals such as professor Jan Fridthjof Bernt, have called on Norway to impose sanctions on Israel for its violations of […]

Malaysia to open embassy accredited to Palestine

WAFA – October 25, 2019 BAKU – Malaysia will soon open an embassy to Palestine, the country’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad announced today. He said that since Israel will ban a Malaysian embassy in the occupied Palestinian territories, Malaysia will open this embassy in Jordan but will be accredited to Palestine, enabling his country to […]

UK protestors face jail for campaigning against Israel owned arms factory

MEMO | October 23, 2019 Seven people are facing the prospect of three months in prison for protesting against an Israeli-owned arms factory based in the UK. The case against the seven activists will be heard in a Folkestone Magistrates Court Kent today. They are expected to plead not guilty of the charge of Aggravated […]

Australian media stages front-page ‘blackout’ to protest against govt clampdown on press freedom

RT | October 21, 2019 In a rare show of unity, all major news outlets in Australia have staged a mass protest against increasingly draconian secrecy laws passed by the government, which are infringing on press freedom and the public’s right to know. Rivals News Corp Australia and Nine, among others, printed front pages which […]

Seoul police ramp up security after protesters break into US ambassador’s residence

RT | October 19, 2019 South Korean police have increased security at the US ambassador’s residence in Seoul after a group of students demonstrating against American troops in the country were able to infiltrate the diplomatic compound. The Seoul Metropolitan Police agency said Saturday that the number of officers guarding the estate was more than […]