
Washington Retreats, The Revolution Advances

From April 28 – May 5, 2015 representatives of the July 26 Coalition of New York-New Jersey organized a people-to-people program to Cuba with a dozen travelers.
Our delegation included doctors and other health care providers, teachers, trade unionists, and activists against the decades-long U.S. government policy aimed at destroying the Cuban Revolution which triumphed in 1959.

What Does Solidarity Mean on the Left?

Greece is white, it is European, and therefore the eyes of the entire Western “progressive” world are now directed towards Athens: will its government dare to default, would Greece leave the euro-zone and eventually the European Union? As if the answer to this question could change the world; as if Athens is where the fate of humanity will be decided.

The “Socialist Roots” of the UK’s Labour Party

Mr Graham Peebles in his article, ‘A Lost Opportunity for Change‘ (Dissident Voice, May 28, 2015) appears to be living in a quite different part of the U.K. to the one I am familiar with. He states that the British Labour Party are, ‘frightened to be true to their socialist roots’ but fails to tell us how he defines ‘Socialist’.

Ian Welsh looks at the hankering of 57 percent of "East" Germans for the days of the Communist dictatorship

OMG, Martin Ritt's film adaptation of John Le Carré's The Spy Who Came in from the Cold turns 50 this year. Can it really be that long since the days when British spy Alec Leamas (played in the film by Richard Burton) crossed into the German Democratic Republic to burrow his way into the dreaded Stasi?

What America’s Media Get Very Wrong about “Socialism”

On April 30, Jonathan Cohn provided a perfect example of what America’s media get wrong about the meaning of “socialism” — and about the meaning of the new U.S. Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders.
Cohn’s report was aptly titled, “Bernie Sanders Is a Socialist and That’s Not as Crazy as It Sounds,” and indeed, he started right away with an assumption that socialism is crazy but “not as crazy as it sounds.”

This Is Not Marx Whatsoever!

I see my old friends, Edward Martin and Mateo Pimentel, are still flogging their dead horse of a Holy Roman-Leninist Empire in their latest DV article, “The Future of Solidarity.”
My previous DV article, “No Marx Again,” criticised them for pushing the notion of a ‘Leninist Socialist State’; where workers who supposedly ‘owned the means of production’ could ‘go on strike’ presumably against themselves for better pay and conditions!