
Banishing Hillary Harpies: Eleven Reasons to Send Them Screeching Back to Crete

For those of you not familiar with Greek mythology, the “Harpies” were female birds sent by Zeus to steal the food of King Phineus of Thrace as punishment for the King for revealing Zeus’s secret plan. This continued until the arrival of Jason and the Argonauts who drove the Harpies back to their caves in Crete. Many of you are well prepared for what to say to the “Hillary Harpies” today who flurry around you at work, in your neighborhood, on social media and in the corporate media.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 5: UK PsyOps, Hitler & the Axis Powers (Half)

This is the first half of a 2 hour lecture which can be obtained by subscribing at the PayPal links at In this first free hour of the 5th lecture, we discuss the causes of World War II according to Dr. Carroll Quigley, particularly as appear to be arranged by the RIIA and Chatham House. This same Atlanticist network simultaneously appeased Hitler (“Peace in Our Time”) while hyping fears of Germany using fake and staged news. Meanwhile, they organized the US participation in the war through deception (Pearl Harbor) and their man, Bill Donovan.

Roots to Social Democracy/Capitalism, Socialism

This series sprang from discussions I’ve had with several people regarding the Danish/Scandinavian model of social democracy, or socialism as Bernie Sanders contends. Some well intentioned persons view the Nordic Model as a solution to greedy capitalism, while others view its role as a seditious savior of exploitative capitalism. Many Cubans I knew when living there (1988-96) and visiting since see the Nordic Model as a way out for their failing revolution, gone the way of a bureaucratic state.


By: Jay Dyer
As the recent events (and subsequent incoherent media narratives) in Dallas continue to unravel, familiar patterns have already emerged that once again paint a now familiar picture of large-scale planning. We are now expected to believe this highly coordinated, professional “sniper” operation, whose numbers and details have now significantly changed, were conducted by the likes of a former vet and unknown accomplices for the purposes of targeting “white people,” and in particular, police.

Is Brexit the Start of the Next European Revolution?

Like almost half British voters I voted “remain” in last week’s EU referendum, so I’m far from delighted with the outcome. But as the capitalists say, every disaster brings with it opportunity, so we must use this chance to call for some desperately-needed changes.
The main issues that were raised during the campaign were about immigration and sovereignty. To properly address the immigration question it’s essential to understand the main causes for it. There are two different but related reasons: Permanent War and Continual Growth.