
Here’s why ‘one size fits all’ political solutions are doomed to fail

There is a persistent danger in attempting to apply universal ‘one size fits all’ solutions to every political crisis across the globe.
This is the primary reason why solutions based on broad, sweeping  ideological dogmas tend to produce inferior results to those based on specific problem solving endeavours.
A clear example of this is the age old ‘right versus left’/’conservative versus socialist’ debate. There is no universal answer, it merely depends what is the best specific situation to any given crisis.

Mass Protest against Socialism in Venezuela: Minute by Minute

6 million protesters have filled the streets of Venezuela, in what is being called “the mother of all marches.’ The Chávez-Maduro regime has turned high powered water hoses and tear gas on its own starving citizens, some of whom have jumped in the river to escape or erected improvised barricades. The oppressive government has taken numerous news outlets off the air. At least three people have been killed so far.

Public School Mind Control – Brett Veinotte of School Sucks w/Jay Dyer (Half)

Brett Veinotte of the popular podcast The School Sucks Project joins me to cover the MK Ultra mind control facilities known as public schools. Brett discusses how American education has always been used by the oligarchic power structure to produce the drone clone force needed. We cover the salvific mindset of the early planners of public education, the educational conspiracy, Common Core, as well as the issue of “philosophy of liberty” and whether it requires more.

How Nationalism and Socialism Arose from the French Revolution

Then, just as liberalism began to transform the world, two pernicious ideas began to vie with it. Nationalism and socialism began to capture the imaginations of intellectuals and would eventually displace liberalism completely in the hearts and minds of the West.
Liberalism unlocked humanity’s creative potential, yielding the first ever rise of widespread abundance through industrial mass production. Nationalism and socialism unleashed humanity’s capacity for destruction, unleashing the first ever rise of industrial-scale mass murder.

Caribbean Reparations Movement Must Put Capitalism on Trial

Why is the reparations movement in the Anglophone Caribbean not putting capitalism on trial in its campaign to force British imperialism to provide financial compensation for its industrial and agricultural capitalists’ enslavement of Africans? To what extent is capitalism such a sacred spirit or god whose name should not be publicly called in order to avoid attracting its vindictive and punishing rebuke?