
Can Brazil Save Latin America?

After four years of socialist president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazil fell from “moderately free” to “mostly unfree” according to the Index of Economic Freedom. Out of 190 countries, it’s now ranked #140 in economic freedom, stuck right between Burundi (#139) and Pakistan (#141). As a place to be enterprising, Brazil can be downright inhospitable; the World Bank says it’s easier to do business in 122 other countries of the world than in Brazil. But good news may be on the way.

Ireland's Water Consumption Just Became a Tragedy of the Commons

On the 13th of April, the Dáil (the Irish parliament) decided to get rid of the 2014-introduced domestic charging schemes for water consumption. The legislation had forced many Irish citizens to pay individual water charges, as opposed to water being a universal good provided solely through the government, free of charge. As the first bills arrived in January 2015, thousands of people took to the streets to protest what was perceived as austerity measures.

Today's Civil Strife Is Rooted in Economic Frustration and Fallacy

Dan Sanchez writes: "The state has impoverished its subjects through its ruinous burdens and meddling, and it has used democratic demagoguery to shift the blame and pit its victims against each other. It has divided America up into rival ravenous tribes, and the crowds we see facing off in the streets of Berkeley are the vanguards of those hungry hordes."

Ortodox muslim förlöjligar vänstern

”Den muslim som säger att han verkligen tror på Miljöpartiets partiprogram är antingen en lögnare som ägnar sig åt taqiyya (förljugenhet) eller så är hans tro (iman) i farozonen.”Källa: höjdpunkter på sidan är följande: ”Eftersom många imamer och lärda är ekonomiskt beroende av bidrag och söker politiska allierade (muslimer eller icke-muslimer) så höjer de inte rösten mot vänste