
A Century Later, Mises Is Still Being Validated

Mises’s efforts to refute market socialist proposals nearly a century ago were explicitly validated with the decline and fall of Soviet socialism. Presently, they’re being openly validated with the utter chaos being heaped upon the people of Venezuela. Indeed, the results of government intervention are always the same, stagnation, inflation, declining living standards, and widespread social disorder.

What Is “Neoliberalism” Anyway?

The term “neoliberalism” is being flung around everywhere these days, usually with a haughty sense of “everyone knows what this is.” But do we really? You may think you know, but there’s very little agreement among everyone else. But look closely at the origin of the term: it has a precise meaning. It is not liberty as we want to know it. 

Frihet - en radikal position

Makt rör sig till synes alltid uppåt.Makt flyttas ständigt från individen till politiken; från lokal till nationell till överstatlig nivå; från de demokratiska institutionerna till en härskande klass av företrädesvis icke-valda funktionärer.Intentionerna är som vanligt de bästa och det hela sker enligt traditionen i god demokratisk ordning.