
Fascism’s Long-Forgotten Roots are in Leftist Ideology

Dinesh D'Souza reports that Giovanni Gentile is the father of fascism and was a student of Karl Marx. Gentile was against "Liberal Democracy" that he felt was too centered on the individual and liberty, and instead promoted "True Democracy" in which individuals were subordinated to the state. Fascists are socialists with a national identity. The bottom line is that there is no significant difference between Fascism and Communism. [...]

An Afghan Year: My Road from Soldier to Socialism

Hell is everything that Christian mythology paints it as. Hell is pain, death, suffering, bleakness, and fire. But it isn’t some mystical dimension where rapists and Hitler are suffering for eternity. Hell is right here on earth, war is hell; it’s not made to punish evil people, it’s made by evil people and it’s the innocent who suffer. It’s children, parents, brothers, sisters, people just trying to live their lives, all being tortured and killed, brutalized and raped. The innocent are the ones left weeping while the evil ones reap rewards.

The Life of Fidel Castro: A Marxist Appreciation

Marxism taught me what society was. I was like a blindfolded man in a forest, who doesn’t know where north or south is. If you don’t eventually come to truly understand the history of the class struggle, or at least have a clear idea that society is divided between the rich and the poor, and that some people subjugate and exploit other people, you’re lost in a forest, not knowing anything.
— Fidel Castro

DEBATE: The Revolutionary Left vs The Revolutionary Right

Left and Right? It’s a battles of ideas and ideologies that’s still raging…

The following debate took place on on July 8th in a small theater in Manhattan, 2017 between ‘Alt-Right’ personality Augustus Sol Invictus and leftist journalist Caleb Maupin. This event was formally titled, “The Revolutionary Left vs. The Revolutionary Right.” The debate has been a big hit online, and was even promoted by Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange via Twitter.

The Sun that Never Sets: Why was Mugabe forced to resign?

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Republished with permission from Regional Rapport

Venezuela’s Communes Play Key Role in Countering Economic Crisis

Over the years we have all heard a great deal about the great social achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution, the government subsidized health program Barrio Adentro, the subsidized food program Mercal, the housing mission which provides free and affordable government organized housing to the poor and middle class, the Canaima program which provides computer to students, Madres del Barrio and now Hogares de la Patria which provide government subsidies to housewives as a recognition of their domestic work, Amor Mayor, the government pension program, among so many other gre

Why Does the Father of Mass Vaccinations Jonas Salk Want to Kill Everyone? (Partial)

Full talk and analysis of Salk’s book The Survival of the Wisest, 1972, is available at by subscription at the PayPal links. The father of mass inoculations suspiciously also wants to engineer death and mass depopulation through various means, including mass cancer and RNA manipulation. Salk describes his Darwinism as a death cult.
Stream or Download Audio Here.

The Democratic Socialist Alternative—What Is It?

American Capitalism in Crisis        Americans in large numbers are becoming puzzled and agitated. Every day newspaper headlines blare out that the US is in trouble, together with our Western free market allies. The government doesn’t work as political divisiveness freezes decision-making. The extent of inequality is “obscene,” to borrow an oft-used description by Bernie Sanders. The elected president comes over[Read More...]

Socialist Planning Circles

Common objections to socialist planning from below
In my last article, “Do You Socialists Have Any Plans? Why We Need Socialist Architects“, I argued that the only way 21st century socialism is going to get any traction with working class people is to not only have a socialist vision, but also to have feasible plans which suggest transitions in between the current capitalist crisis and our ultimate vision.

Long Live Great October Revolution!

The world is in ruins. It is literally burning, covered by slums, by refugee camps, and its great majority is ‘controlled by markets’, as was the dream and design of individuals such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich von Hayek, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Führers like Kissinger and Brzezinski sacrificed tens of millions of human lives all over our planet, just to prevent nations from trying to fulfill their spontaneous socialist, and even, God forbid, Communist dreams and aspirations.